

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

Check out how to make a felt woodland DIY nursery camera mobile and how our nursery camera integrates with our home security system app for easy monitoring. This post is sponsored by Reliant but as always all opinions and content are 100% our own.

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

We have a fun DIY decor project to share with you today that combines crafting, sewing, power tools and technology.

Our latest project was to make a mobile for our baby’s modern outdoor nursery to hang above the crib.

We didn’t make just any mobile, we took it a step further and made a mobile with a camera built into it! Fun, right!?

Follow along as we show how we made our DIY nursery camera monitor mobile.

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

We wanted to make a whimsical mobile with little felt mountains, trees and clouds to fit with our outdoor/adventure nursery and it turns out a wood slice is the perfect place to hide a camera!

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

We recently upgraded the security system in our home to a Security by Reliant system and one of the products we got in our package was an indoor security camera.

We knew we wanted to use it as a nursery camera but we didn’t want to just mount the camera to the wall, we wanted to try and find a unique solution to incorporate it into the decor.

Brent came up with the idea to hide the camera into the mobile that we already planned on making.

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

What we love about using a camera that is tied into our security system is we can use the same Reliant Connect App to monitor our nursery as we use to monitor and control the rest of our home making it really convenient.

If you are interested in making a DIY nursery camera mobile or are just curious to see how we made ours, we have a video tutorial and step by step guide below for you to check out.

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HOW TO MAKE A DIY Nursery Camera Mobile


FYI: This post contains a few affiliate links to products we used to make this project. Gray House Studio does receive commissions for sales from these links but at no extra cost to you. We appreciate you supporting this site. Read our privacy and disclosure policy. You can also easily shop our recommended products here.



DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

1. To begin we put two pieces of felt together and cut a square out of the felt the same size as our shape template.

This made it easier to cut the shape out. Once we cut the shape out of our colored felt sheet, these pieces became the front and back of our object.

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

2. For each object we cut out two layers of low loft batting in the same shape as each of our templates to go between the felt pieces.

To prevent the batting from sticking out of the felt pieces, we trimmed a small amount off the edge to make the batting pieces smaller than the felt pieces. We did this for all of our shapes.

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

3. For the mountain shape we cut the top half of the template off and then cut that shape out of two pieces of white felt to create the snow on each side.

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

4. We repeated the steps above for each of our mobile objects. We made mountains, clouds, trees, and a moon.

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

5. To sew each felt object we used a blanket stitch.

To do this we used an embroidery needle and embroidery floss.

We pushed the needle through the back piece of felt because we were sewing two pieces of felt together, the knot needed to go between the two pieces of felt.

Finally, we brought the needle back down through the loop we made. We repeated this process all the way around the object.

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

Here are what our mobile pieces looked like once they were all stitched up, so cute and whimsical. Now that I learned how to blanket stitch I want to make all sorts of cute little things for the nursery.

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

6. Once all the objects were sewn, we connected the shapes together using clear string.

We used a needle to thread the string through each object and tied a knot securing the string to each object. We left about 5 inches of string at the top to attach everything together.

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

We attached two objects to two of the strings and three objects to two of the strings.

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

7. Before attaching anything to the wood slice, we needed to make a few holes in the wood. We used the camera mount that came with the camera to trace the size of the hole for the camera.

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

8. Then used a router with a plunge mount and cutting bit to make the hole for the camera.

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

We test fit the security camera and it fit perfectly inside the wood slice.

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile
We used a slice of wood the same thickness as the camera so that when the mobile is suspended you will not be able to see the camera from the side view.

We should also point out that on the piece of wood we purchased the bark was flaking off a little. To make sure nothing fell off the wood into the crib, we sealed the wood slice before putting in the camera for good.

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

9. To make the holes for the clear string to suspend the objects, we used our drill to drill 1/16” holes spaced 1” from the edge.

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

10. We used an equilateral triangle template to mark the holes where the ropes needed to go to hang the mobile and used a drill to drill ¼ inch holes for the rope.

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

11. To prevent the cording from fraying we wrapped it in tape before cutting it to length.

Once cut to the length, we poked the cording through the large holes and tied a knot to keep it from pulling back through the hole.

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

12. By holding the cording all at once we could level the wood so it would hang straight and then taped all the ropes together to temporarily keep everything in place.

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

13. Using white embroidery floss, we wrapped the ropes up and tied a knot to permanently hold everything together.

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

14. After putting the camera in the center hole and tying the camera’s power cable to the ropes, we were ready to suspend the objects from the wood slice to complete the mobile.

We did this by threading the clear line through the 1/16” holes and tying a knot in the top side of the wood to prevent the line from pulling through the hole.

Once our DIY nursery camera mobile was finished, we hung it over the crib from an eye hook in a ceiling joist.

DIY Nursery Camera Mobile

There is something really fun and satisfying about incorporating technology into things that you design and build. This DIY nursery camera mobile was not only enjoyable to make but I am sure we will get a lot of use out of what would otherwise have been just a decor piece.


A tutorial showing how to make a felt woodland mobile for a woodland nursery using a wood slice to hide a baby monitor camera. A video tutorial is included in the post.

Life Without A Smart Home Security System

Life Without a Smart Home Security System

As we are anxiously awaiting to have our new Security by Reliant smart home security system installed, we took some time to reflect on how life without a smart home security system made us act a bit ridiculous. This post is sponsored by Reliant but as always all opinions and content are 100% our own.

4 Ridiculous Things You Do When You Don’t Have a Smart Home Security System

These days we are pulled in a million different directions which means we are often scatter brained when it comes to making sure our home is locked up and protected. Sometimes just the simplest of tasks can be stressful due to not feeling safe or being inconvenient. Here is what life has looked like in the past for Brent and I without a smart home security system. At times it can make us act a bit ridiculous.

What We Do Now…

1. When a Pesky Solicitor Rings the Doorbell

Life Without a Smart Home Security System
“Maybe he can’t see me … or maybe I look crazy enough to make him leave.”

2. When We Try to Close the Garage Door Without a Remote

Life Without a Smart Home Security System
Before every bike ride Brent works in a garage door sprint workout.

3. When We Hear a Noise in the Backyard at Night

Life Without a Smart Home Security System
Be afraid, be very afraid of Brent and his Nerf gun.

4. When We Can’t Remember if We Shut the Garage Door

Life Without a Smart Home Security System
“I’m like 80%, maybe 40% sure we shut the…Brent, do you remember if we shut the garage door?”

Watch what our life was like without a smart security system:

The scenarios in this video are reenactments based on real life events.

To see new DIY videos on Thursdays, be sure to subscribe to our channel ⇾

Out With the Old Security System

When we bought our home it had a “this house is protected by…” sign in our front flower bed and some really intimidating stickers plastered on all the windows around the house warning intruders to beware because we have a security system. But the truth is the security system in our home was the one that was originally installed when the house was built making it around 15 years old.

Let’s face it, it was a dinosaur by today’s technology standards. It could technically do it’s job by putting off an ear piercing alarm and contacting the police in an emergency but I believe it is the equivalent of still using a Motorola Razr cell phone over a smartphone today. Sure, it works but you are seriously missing out on all the awesome and convenient technology that some genius worked hard to develop. And once you get a taste of all the cool features you wonder how you ever lived without it.

Life Without a Smart Home Security System

The Death of Our Old Security System

Oh, but when I say that our alarm could technically still do its job, I lied. We never used the alarm because the previous owner never gave us the code to disarm it and we didn’t feel like investing in getting it re-programed because it was so ancient. So we just ignored it.

That is until one night (I’m not pointing fingers, but…) Brent was messing around with the keypad and somehow pushed the instant button which meant that if any door opened, the alarm would immediately go off. A few hours later, Brent opened the back door and suddenly we both dropped to the ground at the deafening and unexpected sound of the panic alarm.

We tried everything to turn it off. Even just pounding on the keypad hoping aggression would scare it off. The cat was freaking out running around in circles. I was pretty much ready to just run out the door and let the security system win. It was not hooked up to call the police but it was so loud that we knew potentially the neighbors might call the cops if we left it going long enough. Finally, in a moment of desperation Brent cut the wire to the speaker. Then, unplugged it in the closet and the attic putting the final nail in the coffin of our antiquated security system.

In With a New Smart Home Security System

In all seriousness, as DIYers we invest not only our money but also time and energy into our home. It is our haven and our canvas so we knew we didn’t want to go too long without having a way to protect and monitor it. Plus, with a baby coming in September I really wanted the comfort of knowing our house is safe along with the convenience of controlling areas of our home with the push of a button so I can focus on the important things.

What We Are Looking for in a Home Security System Solution

When looking for a smart home security system solution we are looking for one that provides protection, peace of mind and convenience. We hope to also integrate a doorbell camera, smart bulbs, and additional cameras. To be really picky and take it a step further, we are looking for an easy solution to control everything with just one app rather than having a lot of different devices running independently.

When the Security by Reliant team reached out to us about partnering together to implement a unique smart home security solution in our home we were ecstatic and jumped at the chance when we learned that they offer a variety of options such as a smart home security system, a doorbell with a camera, wireless door locks, smart plugs, indoor and outdoor cameras and garage door openers. Plus, you can access all your connected devices from anywhere with the Reliant Connect app. Just one app, now that is what we are talking about!

Security by Reliant offered everything on our detailed wish list and then a few extra features that we didn’t even know existed but are excited to implement in our home like geofencing. The best part is they offer different packages based on your budget and needs.

Because this is 2016, we are looking for more than just protection when it comes to monitoring our home. Being able to set up our home to run according to our unique schedule is a dream come true for us tech nerds. And no more scratching our heads over if we locked the door or not sounds AMAZING! We are pumped to get our Security by Reliant products installed and bring our house into the 21st century. We will be back to share more details about installation day soon and what life is like with a smart home security system, so stay tuned!

Tell Us: What is the most ridiculous thing you have done or has happened to you when it comes to your home?

If you like this video and can relate to any of our crazy antics, we would love for you to pin and share!
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Life Without a Smart Home Security System

Planning a Boy Nursery

Planning a Boy Nursery

We are ready to start planning a boy nursery! Today we are sharing our ideas for a modern outdoor nursery.

Planning a Boy Nursery

The time has come to start thinking about designing our baby boy’s nursery! Just the process of cleaning out the room that will be our nursery involved a lot of projects but I got my awesome industrial office out of it so I am not complaining. Although, empty rooms in our home have a habit of collecting items that don’t belong in them so I am guarding this room and making a conscious effort that only items intended for the nursery make their way into that room.

With around 13 weeks to go, it’s probably about time we start shifting our focus to the nursery since we have quite a few DIY projects planned for this room. Brent and I were already on the same page when it came to how we envisioned the design of the room and we are really excited to start actually working on it now.

Before we knew the gender we knew we wanted to work in outdoor elements. When we found out we are having a boy, we both wanted to do a camping style nursery. After a lot of browsing on Pinterest I realized there are a lot of outdoor, camping, adventure styled nurseries out there. But in staying true to our Gray House Studio style, we want to keep it pretty simple. We already have the walls painted Dovetail Gray and really like the color so we wanted to keep it. So my challenge was how to put together an outdoor room with grays.

We finally nailed down our ideas which include a chalkboard wall, replacing the floors, a huge DIY shelving display with a seat and much more. I am so excited to start working on this room now that I have a clear direction, a modern outdoor boy nursery. It should be really fun! Below are some of the items that we would like to incorporate or we are using as inspiration for our nursery design.

CHAIR | Baxton Studio Rocking Chair from Wayfair
I was not aware of just how expensive nursery rocking chairs can be. Yikes! I have my mind set on a chair with an actual rocking base but I guess my taste far exceeds our actual budget so it took a lot of searching to find one that we like the design, is comfortable (which is probably the most important) and fits in our budget. Ultimately, we decided on this wingback rocking chair and I can’t wait to see it in the room.

RUG | Jungle Sheep Skin White Rug from Overstock
We are saying “see ya later” to the carpet in this room and replacing it with either wood or laminate flooring. A big, soft, fluffy rug is on my wish list for this space. I want a comfy spot to spread out and play or let’s be real, a great backdrop for a billion photo opportunities.

PILLOW | Adventure Awaits Throw Pillow Cover from Society6
I love this pillow cover! It is simple, yet fits the vision of the room perfectly.

ART | Woodland Nursery Animals Art from Etsy
The positive thing about woodland themed nurseries being popular is there are a lot of options to choose from when it comes to decor. This woodland art is my favorite. I like the neutral background and the animals are so dang cute.

CRIB | Babyletto Hudson Convertible Crib from Target
The crib was the first piece we decided on for the nursery. We like the modern appearance and the gray and white combination.

TABLE | Natural Tree Stump Side Table from West Elm
This stump table, this is one of those pieces I keep telling Brent that I HAVE TO HAVE. Like, it is not up for debate. I will have a tree stump side table and that is that. Due to the price tag being higher than we would like to spend, for this one we are going DIY over buy.

NIGHT LIGHT | Campsite Night Light from The Land of Nod
I’m a fan of this cute little nightlight.

STUFFED ANIMAL | Corduroy Fox from The Land of Nod
How cute is this little fox? I love that he is made of corduroy. We will incorporate woodland creatures here and there throughout the room and I like how the fox decor bring a pop of bright color to the room.

SHELF | Teepee Shelf from Etsy
We have built several shelving projects in the past so I am adding teepee shelf to our to build list. I would love to make a few of these to hang around the room to display a few odds and ends.

There you have it, our plans for a modern outdoor boy nursery. The ideas are flowing now and I can’t stop thinking about working on this space. It is especially hard to concentrate because as I sit in my office and work I directly face the empty nursery and I swear it is calling to me to come decorate. The force is strong due to the combination of me always getting excited to start a new room design and that nesting instinct kicking in.

Stay tuned for lots of boy nursery projects coming your way soon!

*To see more of our boy nursery ideas, follow along on our Nursery Board on Pinterest.


Home Office Makeover

Take a tour of our home office makeover.

Home Office Makeover

For the past three months now we have been working on moving our home office out of one room and into another all the while giving it a total revamp to fit with our industrial/vintage style. You can take a look back at our plans for our home office that we posted in March.

It is not a large room but some of the DIY projects we were working on for this space turned out to be large in scale (I’m looking at you cabinets) so it took us awhile to finish all the projects and get it exactly how we wanted it.

It has been a long time coming so today I am excited to finally be able to share our completed home office makeover and take you on a little tour of our newly refreshed and organized office. Since the room is a little small, we thought a video tour might make a little more sense so be sure to check that out below.

Side Note: If you haven’t already, we would love for you to subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow along to see our latest DIY videos. We have some fun ones in the works that you won’t want to miss! You can subscribe by clicking the red button under the video in the box below. Thanks!

Home Office Makeover Tour

In this video I will take you on a tour of our newly made over home office! For our home office we continued with the rustic/industrial/vintage vibe we have going throughout the rest of the house. I also share a few tips and storage solutions for keeping a home office organized.

To see a new DIY tutorial video every Thursday, subscribe to our channel ⇾

Home Office Makeover
Above is what the room looked like before. Well, way before. It is the front room in our home, probably intended to be the formal living room. We have used it to store Brent’s musical equipment and more recently our work table.

Home Office Makeover

Here is what the office looked like in our spare room. We had to move it to make room for a nursery but I was excited for the opportunity to give it a refresh that matched our style and had a cohesive appearance and create more storage space.

Home Office Makeover

My original office desk was the first thing Brent built for me when we got married and while the sentimental side of me was super sad to see it go (thank goodness it found a wonderful new home) we wanted to build one with a new style that has a front piece that hides the cords and storage pieces that are under my desk out of sight when you walk in the door.

We got the inspiration for our new desk from believe it or not a display piece at Restoration Hardware and based on that Brent designed and built this awesome two-level desk that I absolutely love. There is plenty of room for both of our computers and still extra space for me to spread out my calendar and client folders. Jake (the cat) loves to lay on the top level while I work which is nice for me because it keeps him close but out of the way of my keyboard.

Home Office Makeover

Home Office Makeover

Our first project in the room was to build cabinets on the back wall. Having a home office be the first room guests see when they walk in our door can feel a little intimidating since the office seems to be the place clutter collects the fastest, especially since my office is the room I spend the most time in working on projects. I knew lots of cabinet space for storage was a MUST and Brent really knocked it out of the park building these cabinets and the herringbone countertop.

I love the pattern on the countertop so much that I didn’t want to add too much to the top of it but a few additional key storage pieces such as a two-level tray and a lazy susan hardware bin are helpful to organize the paper and supplies I use on a daily basis.

Home Office Makeover

And let’s not forget about our plant wall. I am really pleased with the wall-mounted plant shelves we built to display artificial plants that bring a little greenery and color to the otherwise neutral room.

Home Office Makeover

I have tons of storage space now to keep everything not only hidden away but organized and all within arm’s reach and a chair spin. I can’t tell you how much having a place to put things back helps me keep a room clean. We didn’t have room for our filing cabinet so we added two large drawers to our cabinets that work well to hold all of our paperwork and make it easy to file it away so it doesn’t stack up on the desk or counter.

Home Office Makeover

I love this rug. The gray color matches the other gray colors in our room so well. Do you know how hard it can be to match grays? I like the fun pattern. The rug also is functional because we are running a power strip cord under it to a plug, which keeps the cord out of sight and we don’t have to worry about tripping over it any cords.


Walls: Mindful Gray from Sherwin Williams
Wall Shelves: See DIY Project
Artificial Plants: Ikea
Pots: Ikea
Desk: DIY Project (tutorial + plans coming soon)
Desk Chair: Ikea
Lamp on Desk: Pottery Barn
Mail Holder: World Market
Printer Stand: World Market
Cabinets: See DIY Project
Herringbone Countertop: See DIY Project
Lamp on Cabinets: Target
2-Level Tray: World Market
Hardware Bin Lazy Susan: World Market
Rug: Target

It feels like such an accomplishment to get another room completed (minus the floors) and checked off our list. I thought a new office would be way down the road so when this opportunity came up, I of course jumped all over the chance to give my workspace a much needed refresh. I work in this space eight hours a day so to have it just the way I like it, feels awesome and I swear increases my productivity by at least 85% (it would be 100% but I am rocking pregnancy brain right now).

I would have never thought the office would be the adjacent room to our home library and would be out in the open with no doors to hide behind, but the two rooms flow together nicely and makes it feel like I am working in a room double the size. I hope you enjoyed the tour of our home office makeover! If you have any questions about any of the projects or items in this room, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

Back Patio Details

Back Patio Details

Here are the new items we picked out for our back patio makeover.

Back Patio Details

When it comes to home renovation projects there are a lot of different scenarios that can cause setbacks, including things out of your control like the weather. If you haven’t heard, it has been raining here in Houston quite a bit. While all this rain has really put a damper on our outdoor projects, we were extremely fortunate that our home was not one of the many that flooded. Another positive aspect of the rain is our grass is getting nice and green and we haven’t had to water yet.

We have been trying to start our back patio makeover this month but all this rain is totally cramping our style. It has inconveniently rained and/or stormed every weekend this past three weekends. We get it, this year the weather was really taking “April showers” literally.

When (or if) it stops raining on the weekends, the first thing we would like to do is repair and stain our drab concrete slab that is getting less attractive by the day.

But for the time being we thought we would share with you the fun and bright colored furniture and decor pieces we picked out for our back patio during our At Home power shopping trip. If you remember from our last post, we managed to get quite a large loot of cool outdoor decor items. At Home is really a one stop shop when it comes to home decor because they have a huge selection, everything color coordinates and the prices will allow you to stay on budget.

Ideally, we would show you what each of these items looks like in the space but since we don’t want the brand new stuff to get waterlogged, we will just go with plan B for now.


Back Patio Details


Rugs make a space feel so much more welcoming and cozy, especially when the area you are trying to make comfortable will sit on a concrete slab. We picked out the turquoise and snow cornwall tributary rug in 8×10 to define our seating area and bring some much needed color and comfort to this corner of our back patio.

Back Patio Details

Pillows & Cushions

Speaking of comfort, nothing makes outdoor seating more relaxing than cushions and lots of pillows! And we needed plenty to fill up our outdoor sectional. Thankfully, At Home’s cushions and pillows didn’t cause us to break the budget.

SHOPPING TIP: Don’t be afraid to do a mock set-up of your seating arrangement or any space you are trying to design at the store so you will not only know the right amount of items to get but also make sure they go well together. At Home has plenty of space to do this.

We initially picked out bright green cushions and then decided on dark tan cushions. Right before we left the store we were trying to decide how many pillows we needed so we set our cushions on one of the wicker sets and added our blue and green pillows. It turns out we did not like how the bright blue and green colors looked against the dark tan cushions so at the last minute we switched to a muted blue/green colored cushion and it looked so much better. I am so glad we took the time to plan that out in the store.

Back Patio Details


We need five chairs to go around our long rectangular outdoor table. It seemed like an impossible task to try and find five chairs and stay within the budget. So when we found these bright blue chairs for only $20 a piece we were like, “jackpot!”. There were others that we really liked the style of but they were triple the price. These chairs are practical, comfortable and are a bright blue color that will tie the dining area to the same color blues in our seating area giving the whole backyard a cohesive feel.

Back Patio Details


Remember how we always have one splurge item in our trip? Well, these lanterns were our splurge item(s). I walked past them several times because they were not on our list but I just kept going back to them over and over again because something about them was calling to me. I kind of have a thing for lanterns to begin with but I think these will be a really nice addition to our outdoor coffee table to add a little extra mood lighting.

Back Patio Details


We don’t have a covered patio so one thing we will definitely need in our backyard is some shade. A large 10ft. offset umbrella seemed to be an easy and affordable ($80) solution to this problem. We might in the future consider building a larger structure for shade but our back yard is not huge, so a large umbrella over our seating area should do the trick for now.

*We haven’t snapped a photo of our umbrella yet because it is still in the box. I am dying to see it assembled but we don’t currently have anywhere to store a 10ft umbrella inside the house.

Some of these items were on our list from the beginning and some of the items we changed our minds and switched colors or styles once we were in the store but we are really happy with all the pieces we were able to get to refresh and bring some much needed life to our back patio. We can’t wait to start decorating the space with these pieces and spend more time outdoors.

Now if you will excuse me I will be humming the rain, rain go away song continuously in my head this week and drooling over HGTV’s Spring House while I patiently wait for my turn to decorate our outdoor space.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of At Home. The opinions and text are all mine.

Shopping for Our Back Patio

Power Shopping for our Back Patio

Details about our adventure power shopping for our back patio at At Home.

Power Shopping for our Back Patio

I am about to break a stereotype here. I am a woman and I do not like to shop. There I said it. I’ll wait a minute to let the gasps quiet down.

When it comes to shopping for our home I do it sparingly. I am very slow to pull the trigger on purchasing any decor or furniture pieces for our rooms. I used to get overwhelmed with the thought of decorating a space, wondering how I would know if all the pieces I picked out would work well together and if I actually liked what I was picking out or if I was just buying it because it was cute or on sale.

So I took a different approach that might be a slightly unconventional way of home decor shopping or an unconventional way of shopping for a female. I used this method on our past two room makeovers (the home gym and guest room) and it has worked well for me and allowed me to focus on the design of the space and the general style of our home ensuring that I choose pieces that we genuinely like.

My preferred method: power shopping.

Power Shopping for our Back Patio

Usually, our room makeover process goes a little something like this:

1. Brent and I plan out a room or space. We online window shop for ideas, create a vision board post, and we set a general budget for what we would like to spend on the room.

2. We list out all the DIY projects for the space that we want to tackle. Then we do all of our DIY projects first and make waaaaay too make trips to the hardware store.

3. I wait until all the DIY projects are done before buying anything for the room and then I stand in the room and make a list of all the new items I will need to purchase to make the room feel complete and make note of the amount left in the budget to spend on finishing touches.

4. I power shop for the items on my list all in one day, all in one shopping trip and I always bring along a shopping partner (usually Brent or my mom).

While this may not work for everyone, I have found my power shopping method works extremely well for me because my shopping trips are limited, I know my specific budget for the shopping trip, I don’t lose focus and I am tuned in to shopping for those specific styles and pieces. I always look for good deals and a fun splurge item as well.

I love coming home from a power shopping trip and immediately going to the room and arranging all the pieces in the space. It is so satisfying to me to buy just the right amount of items, that each items feels like it definitely fits the design of the space and that we genuinely like every single piece. It is almost like a challenge that I now enjoy. As long as it is only every now and then.

Power Shopping for our Back Patio

The next space we are making over is our back patio (you can see our plans here) so for my latest shopping trip, I brought Brent along with me and we power shopped for all the finishing touches we needed to complete our soon to be freshly made over and colorful outdoor space.

We were excited to do our shopping for our back patio at At Home because they have such a huge selection that it was almost a guarantee that we would be able to find everything we were looking for there and wouldn’t have to travel all over town like I normally do on my power shopping trips. So with a budget of $500, we set off on our shopping adventure.

Power Shopping for our Back Patio

The store is huge and the first thing you notice when you walk in the door is the large selection of indoor and outdoor decor and furniture they offer, especially cushions. If you are looking for cushions, this is the place to be. They don’t just have a wall of cushions to choose from they have aisles and aisles and aisles (I am not exaggerating) of every colored cushion imaginable and at prices that won’t make you cringe. Within each color are a variety of different shapes and sizes of cushions and matching pillows.

Power Shopping for our Back Patio

As I was testing out the cushions, I started daydreaming and it popped into my head that I am pretty sure you could build the largest cushion fort known to man in an At Home store. I am an adult so obviously I wouldn’t actually do that… but the possibility is there, just saying.

Power Shopping for our Back Patio

We brought our measuring tape to measure the different types of cushions to see what style would work best with our seating. Having all those options made us change our mind three times, but in the end we really did get the exact style and color cushions that we wanted. It was nice not to have to settle.

Power Shopping for our Back Patio

And remember, when the sign says “Ask for assistance when getting items off the top shelf.” It is there for a good reason. Brent learned this lesson. Ha. At least they were just cushions. I think Brent secretly wanted to have a cushion fight. And, the cushions won. I am telling you, there is just something about seeing all those cushions that brings out the kid in you.

Power Shopping for our Back Patio

If you are looking for outdoor pots, you definitely are going to have a hard time choosing your favorite from all of these. They cover a variety of styles so whether you are in to the big concrete planters or more of the colorful ceramic planters they have you covered for sure.

Just remember to be careful getting them off the shelves. Someone knocked three or four off the shelf a few aisles over from us and the kid in me yelled. “It wasn’t me. I am right here.”

Power Shopping for our Back Patio
After cushions, the next item on our list was an umbrella. I like that they put all the items they have on display so you can easily identify which color and style you want. We went with a 10ft. offset umbrella in a neutral color to balance all the color we are adding with our other pieces. The umbrella, stand and base were all $80. You can’t beat that price for that large of an umbrella. That one was a score.

Power Shopping for our Back Patio
The great thing about At Home is they not only have a lot of color options in just about every department but also a lot of styles within the colors and the colors all coordinate with each other throughout all the different pieces. If you want a blue chair you are not stuck with choosing the one blue chair offered but rather can choose whatever style blue chair that suits your taste.

We liked knowing that the blue chair would match our blue pillows because they all came from the same place. If you are a lazy shopper like me, then it takes all the guesswork out of running around to several stores to make sure your items coordinate perfectly. At Home already is set up in that way.

Power Shopping for our Back Patio
While they had some really cool blue chairs and it was hard to make a decision, we ended up going with the best bang for our buck and got five of these blue ones for $19.99 a piece because we needed several chairs to go around our outdoor table.

Power Shopping for our Back Patio
The best part of power shopping at one location is the look on the cashier’s face when we roll up with two carts full of stuff, half excitement, half dread. So. Many. Pillows.

Power Shopping for our Back Patio

It was a fun shopping for our back patio at At Home and as usual I was exhausted by the end but we have so much cool stuff for our outdoor space. We were able to get cushions, pillows, a rug, an umbrella and five chairs all for $500!

Power Shopping for our Back Patio

Then…we realized we had to fit it all in the back of my Jeep (the downside to power shopping). It took some strategy and patience to get an umbrella, 8×10 rug and five chairs in a small space but we did it and were super proud of ourselves and while in the parking lot we already got a compliment on our rug choice.

We can’t wait to show you exactly what we ended up picking out and how it all ties together with our back patio plans. Stay tuned to see how our back patio makeover turns out!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of At Home. The opinions and text are all mine.