As we are anxiously awaiting to have our new Security by Reliant smart home security system installed, we took some time to reflect on how life without a smart home security system made us act a bit ridiculous. This post is sponsored by Reliant but as always all opinions and content are 100% our own.
4 Ridiculous Things You Do When You Don’t Have a Smart Home Security System
These days we are pulled in a million different directions which means we are often scatter brained when it comes to making sure our home is locked up and protected. Sometimes just the simplest of tasks can be stressful due to not feeling safe or being inconvenient. Here is what life has looked like in the past for Brent and I without a smart home security system. At times it can make us act a bit ridiculous.
What We Do Now…
1. When a Pesky Solicitor Rings the Doorbell

“Maybe he can’t see me … or maybe I look crazy enough to make him leave.”
2. When We Try to Close the Garage Door Without a Remote

Before every bike ride Brent works in a garage door sprint workout.
3. When We Hear a Noise in the Backyard at Night

Be afraid, be very afraid of Brent and his Nerf gun.
4. When We Can’t Remember if We Shut the Garage Door

“I’m like 80%, maybe 40% sure we shut the…Brent, do you remember if we shut the garage door?”
Watch what our life was like without a smart security system:
The scenarios in this video are reenactments based on real life events.
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Out With the Old Security System
When we bought our home it had a “this house is protected by…” sign in our front flower bed and some really intimidating stickers plastered on all the windows around the house warning intruders to beware because we have a security system. But the truth is the security system in our home was the one that was originally installed when the house was built making it around 15 years old.
Let’s face it, it was a dinosaur by today’s technology standards. It could technically do it’s job by putting off an ear piercing alarm and contacting the police in an emergency but I believe it is the equivalent of still using a Motorola Razr cell phone over a smartphone today. Sure, it works but you are seriously missing out on all the awesome and convenient technology that some genius worked hard to develop. And once you get a taste of all the cool features you wonder how you ever lived without it.

The Death of Our Old Security System
Oh, but when I say that our alarm could technically still do its job, I lied. We never used the alarm because the previous owner never gave us the code to disarm it and we didn’t feel like investing in getting it re-programed because it was so ancient. So we just ignored it.
That is until one night (I’m not pointing fingers, but…) Brent was messing around with the keypad and somehow pushed the instant button which meant that if any door opened, the alarm would immediately go off. A few hours later, Brent opened the back door and suddenly we both dropped to the ground at the deafening and unexpected sound of the panic alarm.
We tried everything to turn it off. Even just pounding on the keypad hoping aggression would scare it off. The cat was freaking out running around in circles. I was pretty much ready to just run out the door and let the security system win. It was not hooked up to call the police but it was so loud that we knew potentially the neighbors might call the cops if we left it going long enough. Finally, in a moment of desperation Brent cut the wire to the speaker. Then, unplugged it in the closet and the attic putting the final nail in the coffin of our antiquated security system.
In With a New Smart Home Security System
In all seriousness, as DIYers we invest not only our money but also time and energy into our home. It is our haven and our canvas so we knew we didn’t want to go too long without having a way to protect and monitor it. Plus, with a baby coming in September I really wanted the comfort of knowing our house is safe along with the convenience of controlling areas of our home with the push of a button so I can focus on the important things.
What We Are Looking for in a Home Security System Solution
When looking for a smart home security system solution we are looking for one that provides protection, peace of mind and convenience. We hope to also integrate a doorbell camera, smart bulbs, and additional cameras. To be really picky and take it a step further, we are looking for an easy solution to control everything with just one app rather than having a lot of different devices running independently.
When the Security by Reliant team reached out to us about partnering together to implement a unique smart home security solution in our home we were ecstatic and jumped at the chance when we learned that they offer a variety of options such as a smart home security system, a doorbell with a camera, wireless door locks, smart plugs, indoor and outdoor cameras and garage door openers. Plus, you can access all your connected devices from anywhere with the Reliant Connect app. Just one app, now that is what we are talking about!
Security by Reliant offered everything on our detailed wish list and then a few extra features that we didn’t even know existed but are excited to implement in our home like geofencing. The best part is they offer different packages based on your budget and needs.
Because this is 2016, we are looking for more than just protection when it comes to monitoring our home. Being able to set up our home to run according to our unique schedule is a dream come true for us tech nerds. And no more scratching our heads over if we locked the door or not sounds AMAZING! We are pumped to get our Security by Reliant products installed and bring our house into the 21st century. We will be back to share more details about installation day soon and what life is like with a smart home security system, so stay tuned!
Tell Us: What is the most ridiculous thing you have done or has happened to you when it comes to your home?
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